Category: About the LCEF

Welcome to the LCEF

Welcome to the LCEF! The goal of the newly established London Courier Emergency Fund is to provide support and financial help to those bicycle couriers who have suffered an accident whilst at work.

Most bicycle couriers are classified as self-employed sub-contractors for tax purposes and as such are not entitled to any kind of sick pay. So when a messenger is injured, they will not earn. Given the obvious perils of bicycle delivery, there is always a chance that couriers will be forced to take some time off the road due to injury suffered at work at some time during their courier life. If his happens to you we may be able to provide you with some help.

You can contact us (or initially ask someone to contact us on your behalf) using the e-mail links on the right, or by calling either

       Stephanie Bartczak on 07809 601808 or

       Darren Coxson on 07747 828800

We will simply need to know:

       -Your name & call sign

       -Your address & phone number

       -A contact number and the name of your contoller at your courier company

       -Details of a fellow courier who can vouch for any details given

       -Details of the incident keeping you off the road

A minimum payment of £150 will be available if it is likely that you will be kept off the road for two weeks due to your injury. Larger or further payments may be available in some cases but this will be wholly at the discretion of the LCEF committee and based on the merits and individual circumstances of each individual case.

The circumstances of each case will be dealt with in strict confidence but should you receive a payout from the LCEF we may ask you for permission to publicise details in order to promote the further growth of the fund itself.

Where does funding for the LCEF come from?

From the courier community and beyond, but anyone can help with fundraising. In fact, this will be an important part in building on the longevity and success of the LCEF. We would love to hear from anyone with any ideas or initiatives that could help build on the fund, whether it be organising an event, making a personal donation, sponsorship ideas or anything else that you think could support us.

And we’re off to a flying start! Due to the success of recent events (including alleycats, personal donations, London’s Calling, Speed, Skill and Sausages) and the generosity of those involved in giving up their time and energy through promoting and organising we have a significant amount in the fund to launch with now.

So get your thinking caps on and please help us with your ongoing support by letting your colleagues know about the fund and in keeping an eye out for any upcoming LCEF related events.

Commitee Members

Stephanie Bartczak (Papillon)

Darren Coxson (Dazzler)

John O’Driscoll (Overdrive)

John Hudson (Little John)

Pedro Malho (Pork n’Cheese)

Special thanks must go to those people that attended the recent initial LCEF set-up meeting where we brainstormed how to take this popular and welcome idea forward. You know who you are!!

Peace Out

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