Another great night at the Horseshoe…another great Donkey Derby.
Thank you to everyone who raced and those who came to support them.
Congratulations to our winners Max, who also did fastest time overall at 22.79 and Momo.
Along with Tommy and Sam, they will be competing next weekend at the Grand Finale: Rollapaluza National Series (more info:: so come and support.
All results from last night roller race here:
Thanx to everyone who came, brilliant turnout..was great to see the new courier generation on those rollers.
Thanx to Gertie for setting it all up and running the show, Jo,Simone and Max..also Ram, Alex and Timi for the sound…to the Horseshoe for having us and Caspar@ Rollapaluza.
And we raised about £250 for the LCEF.
See you all on the road..ride safe…
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