Warszawski Fundusz Kurierski launches!

W.F.K loves the LCEF! This excellent news just in from our brothersz and sistersz on the continent and apparently taking it’s inspiration straight from London’s own Emergency Fund set-up, Warsaw have announced the launch of their very own fund.

Polish ex-London courier, Daria, now working back in Warsaw, tells of how she’s been inspired by what the LCEF have been doing over here and that she was keen to export the model back to Poland. The W.F.K. want to shout out about being only the second initiative like this in Europe after London and that other European cities should follow the lead and start their own funds, too. Why not? It’s seemples. Apparently the Warsaw crew are getting hold of their own set of rollers and will be kicking off their own fundraising events using these. They’ve also launched their own website here, so grab one of the numerous Polish couriers working in London right now to help translate it for you.

Aces. Good luck getting going and see you at the WORLDSZ.

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