The time is well overdue for us to pass out out some thanks to those generous individuals who have gone way beyond the call of duty recently in making a serious impact on fundraising efforts here at the LCEF.
Firstly our thanks go out to James Markham over at Destinations: Green who’s sponsorship efforts around his London to Brighton ride at the beginning of the month yielded no less than £300 for the fund. James tells of his disappointment with the weather and his frustration at not being able to raise more money because of poor conditions on the day but they made it to Brighton regardless and collected hundreds of pounds for us on the way so obviously we’re way more than happy. Many thanks for your efforts and well done James.
Next shout goes out to David ‘Velocio’ Kitchen over at the other forum who put together a kind of surreal auction in aid of the LCEF this month whereby anyone could enter and bid for User ID #2 on that site, making it look like they were one of the originators of what we think may be one of the biggest and most popular cycling forums ever. We watched in disbelief and awe as bids topped £100 but not before the first of two whammys blew the whole thing into the stratosphere. First came a bid of £500 by one Mr. Crud who turned out to be the owner of Crud Products. Mr. Crud was shortly outbid but quickly made it clear that he would like to donate his £500 pledge to the fund regardless. We were bowled over. Amazingly, the bidding continued until it settled at a more than fitting £531 and with that enormous bid the the auction was finally won by David ‘Skydancer’ Dansky. We met David at London’s Calling and we had chance to thank him personally and wish him a very happy 50th birthday. Turns out David’s donation to us was a birthday present to himself! We were speechless. Thanks so much to all of you, a most entertaining episode. You all know where the money goes and again this makes a real difference, in this case a pretty damn big one.
A couple of other big-ups to round of what has been a record-breaking month for us. Firstly to Julia Rhodes, bakenger, who raised £65 for the fund through a sponsored bake-off through the LFGSS forum. Many thanks for that and thanks so much for thinking of us. And finally to Hippy, who in conjunction with The Bike Whisperer raised £80 for the LCEF through sponsoring his ride at the Rollapaluza hill climb back in July. We know Hippy looks back fondly on his time on the road as courier when he first arrived from Oz so it’s clear the fund is close to his exenger heart. Thanks guys, we loves ya. Ride safe.
£531? Quality! What if someone had tried to donate MZM though?