If you’ve ever had the pleasure of reading this courier blog recently you’ll have enjoyed a fair flavour of someone who has a pretty firm finger on the pulse of all things good, bad and ugly about working as a courier in the big city. Tee, from Turku in Finland has been a courier for 10 years including a bout of 3 years in Dublin, a spell in Helsinki and then latterly in London where she now works p/t for Creative Couriers alongside splitting her time with her other passion, Chinese Medicine. The pitfalls of our vocation are famously many and so when Tee approached us with her idea as to how she could combine her two roles to offer a valuable service back to the the courier community and in turn the LCEF, we were very excited indeed.
As you can find out over here Tee is a fully qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and has been practicing in London since qualifying over a year ago. She has very kindly told us that she would like to offer her advice and treatment to you should you be unable to work due to an injury, trauma or strain. For example this could be advice on the best way to approach a speedy return to health following a break or a fracture, treatment to speed up the healing of tissue and/or bone and alleviate pain, or it could be treatment for a strain or a tear or bruising or ‘wear and tear’. It doesn’t matter where the injury is from, whether it’s during or after working hours, a recent or a chronic problem, the point is to get you back to work as soon as possible. This from Tee on the benefits of TCM – “Chinese medicine can actually fix things, not just make one feel better about them, and in reference to couriers in particular, Chinese medicine has a long tradition in martial arts and war medicine (they call it ‘hit-and-fall’) which is exactly the typical thing that will keep a courier out of work.”
What this would involve in practice is an intial consultation with Tee of 20-30 minutes then depending on the nature of the problem a series of further consultations, should they be required. Speak to Tee to arrange a meeting, this could well be at your house if you’re within striking distance of town, if not you could arrange somewhere that would be good for both of you. Have a look at the Jingshen website to get fuller info on the range of therapies offered. You will also find contact details for Tee there…
And here’s the beautiful thing. All that Tee would ask in payment from you for any treatment you receive is that you make a donation to the LCEF. However small or large that might be depends simply on what you can afford at the time, there would be no pressure with this. How cool is that? Tee herself benefits in a couple of ways. Firstly she will be able to broaden her experience of practicing and secondly that she will be able to offer direct help to the people, friends and colleagues that she cares about and works with on the road, ie. you.