Crazysocks Greg goes Way-Out-West for LCEF

Very welcome news just in that on April 1st, Greg ‘G-Reg’ Hall of Pink Express Couriers, will be journeying his way by train down to Penzance, Cornwall and then on to the tip of Lands End the next morning to begin a 3-day sponsored ride back to London in aid of the LCEF. Nice!

Greg reckons the route back to the smoke is a not inconsiderable 286 miles in total so he’ll surely have his work cut out for him getting back to London in time for church on Easter Sunday, Antiques Roadshow and his roast dinner. Keep an eye out for Greg over the coming weeks as he’ll be going round asking every man and his bike for a couple of nuggets to go towards filling up his sponsorship bucket, so, goes without saying, give generously if you can, he’ll be earning it 🙂

Nice one Greg! Good luck dude..

1 thought on “Crazysocks Greg goes Way-Out-West for LCEF

  1. nice one greg!

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