LCEF 1st birthday t-shirt design competition – final results

Yes indeed. All the votes are in and have been duly counted, recounted and triple-checked on the trusty LCEF abacus. We have a winner! Or can we say we have two winners? Yes we can because we can and we do!!
Thanks very much to all those people who showed out to vote. A truly great range of interesting styles and ideas drew in some brilliant support and encouragement for all the designs submitted and it was a close one right till the very end.

A clear winner emerged at the finish though in the shape of Chandra’s rather beautiful ‘guardian angel’ design – well done and thanks very much to Chandra – it’s a real beauty, a lovely concept and a very well deserved winner.

The fight for second place was very hotly contested and very close indeed so having decided that it would be good to choose two designs to print, we took extra special care when counting the votes to find out which of the other designs would go forward. Well done and thank-you also then to Matt (Baddesigner) – another very popular design which will be printed alongside Chandra’s.

But it doesn’t end there! – by popular demand we will be using Kucharz’s super spot-on slogan to go on the back of Matt’s t-shirt. ‘Because you can’t drive!‘ Classic.

Well done and thanks again to everyone who submitted. Details to follow very soon on the LCEF 1st birthday party when the new shirts (and new caps!) will be unleashed but stick Friday April 24th in yr diary. Spare a thought in the meantime for the poor wee hungry child slaves over at the Workhouse of Pistard who have their very good work cut out for them over the next couple of weeks. There’s a buckfast in it for ya. 🙂

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